Organisers of the 53rd Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival announced today the members of the 2006 Titanium Lions jury.
Headed by David Lubars, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of BBDO North America, the Titanium Lions award, now in its fourth year, has further evolved to celebrate and honour unique, new and bold ideas with no restrictions to the number of executions, types of channel or limitation to the boundaries of the media used.
“This multi-disciplined and incredibly talented jury will be looking to award this much sought-after Lion to ground-breaking and risky ideas that challenge the world of advertising and communication as we know it”, said Terry Savage, Executive Chairman of the Festival.
(Interesting that there are really two Australians on the jury with Craig Davis listed as a Pom. Thanks to Savage of course!).
USA, David Lubars, Chairman & Chief Creative Officer, BBDO North America (Jury President)
Australia, Warren Brown (top left), Executive Creative Director, BMF
New Zealand, Tom Eslinger (top right), Director of Interactive, Saatchi & Saatchi
United Kingdom, Craig Davis (bottom right), Chief Creative Officer Worldwide, JWT
United Kingdom, Trevor Beattie, Partner, Beattie McGuiness Bungay
USA, Nicolas Brien, President & CEO, Universal McCann
USA, Scott Goodson, CEO & Chief Creative Officer, StrawberryFrog
USA, Chuck Porter, Chairman, Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Brazil, Adriana Cury, Chairwoman & CCO, McCann Brazil
Sweden, Filip Nilsson, Creative Director, Forsman & Bodenfors
The Titanium Lions judging will take place in Cannes from 21 to 23 June. The winners will be announced on Saturday evening, 24 June.
Heya lynchy,
How about a bit of investigative journalism. How could a guy like goodson who has never personally won an award, any award, end up judging in cannes??? what a joke.
Scott Goodson hasn't actually won a Lion, but I suspect he's on the jury because StrawberryFrog is perceived to be at the cutting edge of what's new. Or maybe with a name like that it just sounds like they are! Chuck Porter (being a 60 year old chairman suit) hasn't won a cracker either but hopefully he knows a great idea when he sees one. Adriana Cury, as far as Cannes is concerned, has only a Bronze Lion to her name. Yes, there are probably some better jurors out there.
In fact, StrawberryFrog has only won one Lion, a Silver in 2004. Not exactly a hotshop.
one silver for 'direct'. at least crispin is the real deal and chuck is good guy and his agency is kicking ass.
terry needs to be smacked around for that goodson screw up. please let him know. although i think he'll work it out for himself soon enough...
Funny to see the bile on Scott reach down under. I knew people were annoyed by him in Sweden first, then Holland... seen it in similar forums, and now here. Wonder what Canada thinks about the guy?
.... is that Courtney Love behind Craig Davis?
Any dirt on Goodson in your files?
Why do such advertising luminaries as Craig Davies and Droga always insist on using the same old publicity shots of them wielding their Gold Lions?
We KNOW ok?
We know.
They're not publicity shots. I took them in Cannes a few years back on a crappy digital, so blame me.
hey lynchy, you might want to pull the above for legal reasons...
Who is the princess behind Craig Davis?
That would be Tom Eslinger.
Damn thats one old picture of Tom, looks so different now.
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