The multi-awarded NZ Girl 'Worst Boyfriend' campaign via DDB Auckland took out top honours last night in the Direct Marketing category at the 9th Asia Pacific Adfest Advertising Festival in Pattaya, Thailand. The campaign won the only Gold and Best of DM. Other winners from Australia and New Zealand were a Bronze to M&C Saatchi Melbourne for ANZ 'Big Pocket' and Tequila Auckland for Nissan Pathfinder 'Torn' was a Finalist. In all, there was one Gold, five Silver, nine Bronze and nine Finalists. In the Interactive Awards, RMG Connect, Sydney (a division of JWT) won Bronze for Veet 'Improve Your Chances'.
that car thing is fucking brilliant. SO funny! keep up the good work.
is that a car wrecking yard in the background? sure looks like on.
if so it loses impact for me. what did they do, drag a crashed car out from there, put up a sign, take one photo, then enter it in award shows? nah, that would never happen...
my apologies if it isn't.
who gives a shit what they did. they're having fun.
i want to know if i'm watching the olmpics or the special olympics.
"Having fun"... Is this a business or a community sports event?
You naive fool.
It was at Erricson stadium. During the big day out. people there gave it the bash, so the yard in the back ground is irrelevant.
So at the most this ad got seen by a few hundred people. Memorable for those who saw it, but not so memorable for the 4 million Kiwis who didn't.
I don't get how it won a direct mail award. What's direct about it? More 'select' than direct isn't it? Or Stumbled on it By Accident award.
hahahaha this for some strangely odd reason makes me think of once were warriors.
It's a don't drop my eggs on the floor or I'll give you the works.
7.06 AM
I'm sorry your job isn't fun. because mine sure as fuck is!
the naive fool
Of course he isn't having fun. Since when working at Singo's was called fun? Hence the 'business' remark. Poor Soul.
Just had a look at the website. M&C Saatchi Sydney also got a silver.
And 10.24am. Even if only a few hundred people did see it, it's still a shitload more than most 'ambient' pieces.
Just a question.... what's it advertising?
Yo 10.24am, DM stands for Direct Marketing, not Direct Mail. Shithead.
If you're going to crap on a good idea, at least think about it beforehand.
I can't believe anyone still says Yo.
Direct marketing, direct mail, who gives a shit, it's still not a good idea because no one saw it. It's just ego-gratifying creative wank. Shithead.
What are you on about? It sat at the main gate of Big Day Out. Over 45,000 people attended BDO that year. Of course it was seen.
I can't work out who it's for. The creatives? The agency? The sledgehammer maker? Is NZ Girls a brothel? A drink? Whoever the client is, they're tops.
You sat at the main gate? Brilliant, I went inside and watched some bands.
I said "It" not "I". As in it (the stunt) was placed outside the main gate people had to pass to get in.
forgive him, he's stupid
This press release doesn't explain the campaign. So if you haven't heard about it before (which I'm sure most Aussies haven't), you're not going to think it's any good. I think it won a DM gold at Cannes last year, too.
Ah well Gold at must be fucking brilliant then
I'm not sure that the car component part won the Gold Lion. I think the plane part of the campaign was the bit that won theGold Lion - although I could be wrong.
and last time I checked winning a gold lion doesn't suck.
what's 'direct marketing'???
and to that point, is the other struff undirect marketing??
No 5:59, you're quite right....winning a Gold Lion does not's just irrelevant.
Yep I'm 2:02.
It was the campaign that won at Adfest and Cannes. All components were part over the overall campaign which has not been explained in this PR release.
Saucer of milk, anyone?
Breathe in with anger, and then out with love..
Fanta Pants
But who's the client?
NZ Girl.
By the way, it didn't win more than Bronze at AWARD because some dimwit forgot to show the video that actually explains the whole campaign (and why it was worth Gold everywhere else).
what does NZ Girl sell??
don't know, just asking...
It's an online magazine like Dolly or Girlfriend.
Wouldn't a measure of the number of hits their site got following the stunt sort this out for once and for all....does anybody know the results?
They got 8653 hits, from 6941 unique locations, in the 24 hours following the Big Day Out.
Does this help?
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