Lowe Hunt, Sydney this week unveiled the long anticipated launch campaign for the MTV channel in New Zealand called “Pure NZ Goodness”. The campaign rolled out with 3 x 45 TVC’s on both free to air and New Zealand’s Cable network, Sky TV. The rest of the campaign, including print, poster, and interactive targets the streets of New Zealand with outdoor placements including billboards, metrolites and magazines including Remix and Pulp.
The integrated campaign is centred around a fictitious dairy factory set amongst the lush green hills of New Zealand. Inside the factory the cows are milked by bikini clad girls and delivered all over New Zealand in MTV milk vans. The milk has strange side effects for those who drink it. In one of the ads a couple stab each other after drinking the milk, while in another, girls rub blood soaked steaks all over their bodies. Ironically, the campaign line is “Pure NZ Goodness”.
Lowe Hunt has applied its ‘Brand Explosion’ methodology to the campaign which in simple terms means that it is truly an integrated campaign running across multiple channels including TV, print, poster, ambient, web and events. The agency recently created the multi-award winning LYNXjet campaign using the same strategy.
Says Dejan Rasic, Creative Director at Lowe Hunt: “What we’ve done is create a true brand personality for MTV New Zealand that lives beyond just a few ads. It’s a property that MTV can own and becomes an entertainment platform for the launch”.
Says Vanessa Zuppicich, Creative Director of MTV Networks: “Our brief to the agency on the NZ launch was to create a campaign that pulls on kiwi culture and then turns it on its head in true MTV style. Our main objective is to make people laugh and then get them talking about MTV NZ”.
Lowe Hunt commissioned tvc director Michael Spiccia from Silverscreen productions in Auckland to bring the campaign to life. Spiccia is best known for his music videos and recently picked up an 2005 MTV award for one of his clips. The “Pure NZ Goodness” campagin was shot over three days in and around Auckland.
Lowe Hunt’s interactive department have extended the campaign into an innovative web site which brings to life the MTV dairy company.
Credits List:
Agency: Lowe Hunt, Sydney
Client: MTV Networks
Head of TV: Darren Bailey
Creative Team: Howard Collinge, Dejan Rasic and Simone Brandse
Interactive Team: Jonathan Mo and Mark Ashley-Wilson
Director: Michael Spiccia
Production Company: Silverscreen Auckland
Producers: Haydn Evans and Andy Mauger
Post & Effects: Oktober Auckland
Photographer: Stephen Stewart
Sound Studio: Sound Reservoir
lynx jet,
now serving milk.
Could have done with a few more $$$ maybe?
Kicks. I love the looks of them too. Very fresh - well done guys.
The guy who now works at BMF never did anything until the new guard came to Lowe Hunt. Someone is trying to create some PR for themselves. How sad.
L&P is Kiwi. This ain't.
11:40 - More $$$? They look incredible. What do you mean?
Oktobor did the post. How much more $$$ could you ask for?
pissed myself laughing.
Is there a print campaign as well? where is it?
I dig the ads, the weirdness of them alone. However I'd argue that the content is Pure American MTV plugged and played down-under not PURE NZ Goodness.
good try.
same creative approach as lynxjet, which in turn is the same as the UK Carlsburg campaign -'if we did holidays they would be the best holidays in the world'.
But we all know Lynxjet was a retro fit strategy..... Lynx client approached agency with opportunity to paint JetStar plane.....whammo.
I really like the music tracks. Is it like Lynxjet multimedia creatives? I'm from Singapore and MTV here usually does some smallish type thing in-house.
Well done Dejan and Howard and Simone.
What a fantastic year you guys are having!
i liked the bit how they used sex to sell their product. brilliant!
Solid. Don't really get the idea. Does it have one? Entertaining all the same and looks great. Staple product for MTV.
You don't get the idea because you're a suit.
Inside the factory the cows are milked by bikini clad girls and delivered all over New Zealand in MTV milk vans. The milk has strange side effects for those who drink it.
Someone's been taking acid. I like.
Not really an ad. Chick flashes tits, ugly guy watches....bit like life, but not an original thought. Don't know the soundtrack warrants a credit, but then they say they did the sound for "Tongue"
To: Mr. 12:53 .... ooooooooohh someone has some major hangups don't they. Great work by the way.
the lowe guys are on a roll
the lowe guys are on a roll
This is some of the freshest stuff i've seen in ages. Congratulations on a great campaign.
Did NZ only just get MTV now? Funny. They're only 50 years behind the rest of the world. Anyway, these are really good. Well done and all that. Gave me a chuckle and weird ass casting is always good.
agree - whoever posted 12:53 is an absolute asshole and obviously very jealous as well. Grow up or it is too late for you to do that?
12:53 - record amount of lions ever still not enough to shut you up?
what about the ****CUNT**** who posted 11:40? There are so many of them in this industry. Great work.
Very MTV and i think that is the point. If you don't get it your to old. Nice work guys.
I think they're great. Particularly the bigger thought of MTV milk. Where's all the other stuff? Online etc?
music kicks ass as well by the way.
great idea really well executed. I'm big enough to admit that.
I like the dark edge to them. Very much like New Zealand as a whole.
I'd like to be that cow. She can milk me anyday.
Fucking boring ads. I'm a kiwi and they completely missed any real sense of kiwiness. It's just girls in bikinis set to good music. Which sells cheap deodorant to 17yr old boys, but unfortunately girls should be watching MTV too.
I agree with you 12.53, to be honest, the LnyxJet campaign was so fucking overrated - besides the whole airline thing was done first by Hooters and Kingfisher Lager, only for real.
I love it. You just don't get the idea bro. "Kiwiness"? how fucking lame.
Dear 8:55am person. Maybe you should have been a judge at Cannes then - oh and also One Show and D&AD. Maybe then you could have brought this huge revelation to life for all those judges. I mean they are no where near as informed as you are they? If only they had a fraction of your brain right?
By the way, that rectal cream brochure won't write itself. Get back to work.
And make sure it's nothing like any other rectal cream brochure ever ok! I've seen some great ones come out of Honduras.
The cows are watching MTV - that's the point fuck face.
I think these are pretty funny. I'm 52 by the way.
Poor thing must be fresian
I'm sorry, but this milk is past its use by date. Talk about a lack of originality! They've stolen the concept from a prodigy music video! Hot girls milking cows, the cows produce crazy milk. Duh. Spiccia aint Traktor.
9.36am Maybe I'll get to judge Cannes, One Show or D&AD next year, if not definately the year after.
One can't help being informed.
As for yourself, summer is fast approaching and I am sure you'll be judging Miss Bikini 2006 at your local westie RSL.
you must be the same person who thinks Lynxjet is a rip off. Is that all you spend your time doing? These are excellent. Great job.
The idea in this instance is the cows are watching MTV which effects their milk. The girls in bikini’s just happen to be milking them. Which makes them an execution device and not the idea. It's pretty original if you ask me. No one can own hot girls - you hear me - NO O NNNN NNE EEEEE.
9:38 - Maybe you can judge Miss Bikini 2006. But no one would ever win because you'd keep saying "I've seen that bikini before. It's a rip off". Get a life.
Fuck how many comments is this getting!
Awesome ads! Fucking well executed. Funny as hell. Great tracks. These ads look like they are going to kick some serious ass.
Fuck yeah!
"Fuck how many comments is this getting! "
At least 52 now. There's a counter at the bottom of the article that tells you exactly.
Traktor don't own a license to use hot chicks in an ad. Well nobody does for that matter. Besides these ads are all about the pay-off not the fucking cows. Your obviously to thick to get it. Great bloody ads I say. Fresh.
What a load of crap. It's obvious that the talented person at Lowe Hunt now works for BMF.
So what's he done at BMF? NOTHING!
Congrats to all the creatives at LOWE for a kick ass campaign. When your hot your HOT. Well done.
Traktor have been and gone. Great to see a new kid on the block. So funny to see how many jealous twats are out there. A very well executed campaign. Funny shit.
great use of characters. You don't see enough interesting casting in ads these days. The director - is he new?
The "cows made to listen to 'funkay' music/milked by bikini sluts/makes people act all funny" concept is straight from a Prodigy video, so I guess it's apt. Not so fresh as going a tad green and furry.
I just got it sent to me on email from a mate in Canada. It's all over the web.
absolutely brilliant! What a fantastic outcome for MTV. Looks like it will do well. I've never heard of this director before. Who is he?
These are brilliant.
Best MTV spots in years.
D&AD annual 2003, page 423, 'Baby's got a temper' Prodigy promo.
It's pretty sad that the agency cares so much about this blog, they got half their staff to post lame shit like the stuff above.
saying it's like the prodigy music video is like saying Guinness Evolution is a rip off of Jurasic Park. I don't love it but it aint a rip off.
Isn't the prodigy clip based on Liam Howlett's dream about date rape and the drug rohypnol? The band is just playing in front of an audience of cows. To be honest - i don't know what the fuck the idea in that music clip is, let alone how it relates to MTV.
How can you whinge about these spots? If MTV wasn't doing weird, rocking stuff... Well, it just wouldn't be MTV then would it.
Well done.
These ads are GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thought this was a little too reminiscent of something else I saw 5 years ago. Very clever, a music clip for an MTV ad.
Well shot though
I don't work for the agency - rather, I don't work for any agency and i really like them. A tad Jealous maybe 9.26?
Anyone know who's the band that plays the music in the one where the man is stabbed in chest by lady?
is it just me or does it sound like the same person keeps posting comments on how TOTALLY AWESOME these ads are? Sounds like one of the creatives who wrote them is just trying to bump themselves up a notch in some desperate attempt to lok cool on this blog.
the ads are ok. if you like that "oh look how wacky i can be" type of stuff.
I think MTV should be doing 'weird, rocking shit' as you put it.
These spots are contrived advertising drivel.
If the creatives involved had other interests outside of the world of advertising they might be able to create things that are truely creative.
It's a shame that an opportunity like this has been missed. It doesn't say much for the world of advertising.
Great to see Lowe doing so well of late but as a Kiwi, I can say these just ain't Kiwi enough. 42 below, L....that stuff taps into the Kiwi psyche of how we love laughing at our unsophisticated past and, basically, how shit we are at so many things. These TV spots don't hit the mark. They are weak and quite twattish attempts at irreverance.Don't reckon MTV will take off in N.Z - free to air channel C4 has that sewn up bigtime.
12:90 - Hey people are allowed to post positive comment as well on this site you know. I know it's rare because everyone is usually so bitchy but it does happen - occasionally. For the record - I like them.
"these spots are contrived advertising drivel.
If the creatives involved had other interests outside of the world of advertising they might be able to create things that are truely creative."
from a post above.
amen to that.
Fuck ad bullshit. why can't we do something that isn't trying to copy the english or the americans. this is shite.
10-56am - you don't happen to work for that C4 channel do you? Feeling slightly worried?
I'd argue that what's good about these is that they're definately not just like typical 'ad' ads that you see in annuals (re:5:47).
Did the censors really approve stabbing and chicks sucking face to air on tv? Congrats on that effort alone. ****
It's a rip off. I reckon it's the same idea as this Bronski Beat music video I once saw - except that it had semi naked guys in it and some donkeys. Still, that's enough to make it similar.
super cool spots. What's the address of the website?
Bronski Beat? Nah but I did see a similar idea in a Gloria Estefan clip. She was riding some cows.
Important question: Will this thread crack the 100 comments mark?
Yep let's push it to 100. i'm for it by the way and think the campaign is damn funny. Let's here someone against it - at least from the guy who's determined to draw similarities to some music video. C'mon let's hear from you one more time.
10:56... "I can say these just ain't Kiwi enough."
Do you think that if this was for MTV Australia they would have kangaroos bouncing around in the background and blokes in wife beaters?
I think that kiwis know what kiwis do and don't have to represent it literally in their ads. Did you want the couple at table to be peeling kiwi fruits? Or giant maori guy wearing an All Blacks jersy humping a cactus? Come on!
Brilliantly cast spots. Clever and different. Great to see world class work coming out of Australia more and more. Good for the whole industry. I've been o/s for a whie and sure there are opportunities and big budgets but OZ has some awesome talent and from what i've seen lately we're on a roll.
Well done fuuuuuuuucckers.
Smart strategy
It's close to 100 10:33
It's refreshing to see so many positive comments about a campaign instead of the usual negative shit that's posted here (from the regular two or three people that live on this site and have nothing better to do than bitch about everything). It's also great to see really good work coming out of a variety of agencies at the moment. Sign of a healthy industry.
C'mon where's the guy that keeps saying it sucks? You must have a couple more blogs left in you. That'll get it to 100 or are you busy shitting on a new ad somewhere?
well. what to say to these? they're pretty ace i reckon! and music is good. well done all.
You sound like you're from melbourne with your 'ace' comment. I think they're 'choice' and i'm not even from New Zealand.
I like the bit where the chick squirts the other chick with the milk.
99 ..... came across your blog. Interesting. Seems to be a real ad community in Australia. Some rather nice work.
100. Couldn't resist.
100. Now let's call this thread dead and move on.
No let's get it to 200 ....
What I like about these is that they aren't trying to fit into a tradtional advertising model. I guess that's what makes them difficult to grasp for the older, more traditionally minded creatives among us. I also like how they managed to subvert the pure image of New Zealand. Sorry looks like i got to the blog a bit late but just wanted to voice my opinion - I thought it really stood out. And made me laugh.
Pretty much sums up NZ advertising. Blah or a half-arsed rip off...
Maybe if I was a munta with a brain the size of a stunted pea...
Shit the last thing I want to look at is a munta with a brain the size of a pea...
Ugly guys and chicks in bikinis..yawn...
...ugly guys wearing bikins break-dancing to The Swingers 'counting the beat' would be more entertaining...
The guy who posted the last comment is obviously insane. Lynchy have you been promoting the blog to mental institutions. Nice ads and i like the ugly/interesting casting.
Budgie smugglers is much better.
Same brief.
Smugglers are ausie. Milk aint just kiwi.
Nicely shot on a budget.
Not bad, not good though.
Should have got the sweet shop to shoot it!
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