BWM Sydney creative partner Rob Belgiovane (right), together with client Amanda Johnston, director of marketing at Telstra BigPond, will join other members of TheNetworkOne (including Aussie expat Andy Fackrell, ECD of 180 Amsterdam) and their clients (O2 and Adidas) at a seminar at Cannes in June, entitled 'Small Giants of Advertising'.
Global clients are turning to the best talent for their advertising, regardless of size. A new type of creative agency has emerged: the 'small giant', capable of delivering exciting global campaigns without the infrastructure of more traditional '100+ office' agency networks.
What is their secret? Hot 'small giant' agencies and their clients share key insights into three successful global case histories: O2, ADIDAS and TELSTRA.
Elliot Polak - Founding Partner & Managing Director, Text Appeal
Julian Boulding - President, thenetworkone
Charles Vallance - Founding Partner, VCCP
Amanda Jennings - Head of Brand Experience, O2
Rob Belgiovane - Founding Partner & Executive Creative Director, BWM
Amanda Johnston - Director of Marketing, Telstra BigPond
Chris Mendola - Founding Partner & Managing Director, 180
Andy Fackrell - Executive Creative Director, 180
How appropriate. Seen the size of the little fucka?
There has been striking similarties between some of Telstra's brand work over the years, and the work VCCP does for O2.
If Belgo put half as much effort into his ads as he does into his PR ...
O2 has a person who is 'Head of Brand Experience'. What the fuck does that mean?
It's Newspeak for "Marketing Manager".
So "Creative Director" would become "Head of Creative Misery" then?
There's been an "exciting global campaign" for Telstra ?
small giants - campaign in the uk ran a big special on the small giants, 180, strawberryfrog, Taxi and a few other agencies. All of them do international work as in work that will be seen globally for global clients - adidas,opel, heineken, coca cola etc. But what i didn't understand was BWM's role in all that. Whether their work is good or not, they are not doing work on international brands and setting strategy for global clients that other agencies will then have to work off. telstra big pond isn't a global brand. Mr Belgiovane definitely has blagged a good spot to be on that list.
What a twat 12:58 is. 'Blagged a good spot' oh ah mrs please. It's the only fucking telco to work on you arse. And just 'cause Australia didn't invent heineken (crap beer) or adidas (dug dealer wear) so fucking what...
Honestly if you can't write something objective why do you bother getting up in the morning. Rack up another line and kill yourself slowly you hack.
Where ever you are in the world, the BWM stuff for Virgin Money and Kia is globally shite.
BWM's stuff for Virgin Money and Kia could be regarded as globally shit.
how to win global business 101...
strawberryfrog won some heineken business because one of the partners there is apparently married to one of the heineken marketing bigwigs.
heard they are losing the business already and it's coming back to us at wk. if you have seen their lame champions league work you know why...
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