As anticipated, several creative teams have been let go at DDB Sydney, a shakeup being overseen by new national ECD, Matt Eastwood. Known casualties so far include Misha McDonald (top right), Dave O'Sullivan (below right), Giuliana de Felice and Adrian Ely. Meanwhile, Eastwood has hired young Publicis Mojo team Tim Green and Tim Cairns, who have done some of the latest Nike work, as well as ex Leo Burnett Sydney/Y&R Melbourne team Adam Rose and Ben O'Brien, who are initially working on McDonald's.
they are all lovely people and will find employment elsewhere....i think its a liucky escape from matt eatswood...and the dinousaur that ravages any and every creative mind,,that is known as ddb.
best thing that ever happened.
love ya Mish. Don't sweat the technique. probably time to move on anyways.
Fuck the neighbors and DDB. Rock out with your cock out.
davo,misho,aido,de fellatio.
youse is tops.
from the real ronald macdonald love child.
love the flock of seagulls look mish lets have a beer when youse is ready.
Can I have you autograph too Mish Mish?
Interesting. Anyone remember how many Nobay "let go" when he joined Saatchis?
Just you mate.
interesting headline lynchy....Eatswood starts creative STARTS creative shake up at DDB,
erm....methinks you know more friend of mine you are.
3:14 the clearance was done by Nobby's predecessor, the appalling Poynton, or, as the Toyota client referred to him, The Black Wiggle.
Lynchy, is that a picture of Dave O'Sullivan trying to fathom the reasons for his departure from DDB over a beer at the Australian immediately after his sacking, in which case it's red-hot journalism the likes of Kochie jumping into the ambulance yesterday - or is it a stock shot?
Now THERE'S someone we haven't slagged off yet.
Hands up everyone who hates Poynton!
Onwards and upwards, my friends.
It's about fucking time.
I have enough Poynton-hate for 100 bloggers.
Good on ya Chad Cairns and Chad Green!
Adam Rose is orange.
It has to be a Kochie moment, taken as a PXT from a blower.
Mushy's however looks like he's carrying his raquet of the court and signing coasters at Schooner Wimbledon.
Is the guy in the top shot 'Andy' in the wheelchair from Little Britain?
Ben and Adam are fantastic suits.
You know that Ben and Adam had best of show in outdoor and print year before last year in Melbourne for Chupa Chups.. and a silver at ADMA for Defence Force for that models thing.. that's not really that long ago...
Yeah.. Ben and Adam aren't that bad...
Ben and Adam were my tutors at award and to be honest they were pretty good guys to me. It seems pretty obvious you all worked at DDB and have it in for them.
Not to mention bringing in $50 million worth of business to Leo Burnett...
Although I still say O'Brien is full of shit...
Hmm.. I remember O'Brien winning a Caxton.. and MADC last year (x2?).. and Folio.. and ADMA.. and...
Funny.. obrien has Volkswagen Mardi Gras ad, Chupa Chups ad and Subaru steering wheel in his book.. not many words.. but different art directors. Seems like good visual work for a writer.
I just put the finished touches to a website for an orthodontist in Melbourne where Adam Rose is a partner. Apparently he's known in the tooth trade as the singing dentist.
i don't know the people involved - i don't live or work in australia - just an observation...
jeeeze, you people are behaving like a pack of 12 year old bitches.
you especially 11:37.
i would like to think many of us work in something slightly resembling a profession. please try and help us all out a bit and fucking grow up.
here's a free lesson - successful people get ahead by doing great work not by putting others down.
Advertising. Dead. Australia. Not. Knowing.
Only the pretty and funny will survive.
You ugly fat fucks are doomed.
I was in the mcdonalds pitc with ben and adam. Ben and Adam didn't win mcdonalds. it sounds cliched but it was a team effort. And i'm sure if you speak to them they would never claim to have won the business for burnetts. And if they are, which i'm very sure they are not, thye would be lying.
sory abuot the bad splleing.
It wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that Leos had the account globally. nooooooo.
As a copywriter I object to the dated attitude of 'if the ad is visual, the art director thought of it'. I can't believe anybody would still think like this! Most of my stuff is visual, as is most stuff in award books, and if you think that it's just the AD that thinks of all of them you're a dick. Move with the times!
Adam is actually Alf the alien.
Sorry, my mistake. Anyone who's any good in Melbourne likes Adam.
Get a life.
OK boys, that's enough. Time to move on.
Hey 11.27 you are so off the mark.
I agree with 11.39.. this is just getting really petty and lame now.
No, this is way too much fun. Don't be spoil sports!
Seriously, this is tragic. Enough.
all i know is mish is lovely and so is dave....
i have worked with them and they have worked with me.
so stop all this personal stuff about everyone...stick to the work .....otherwise it is boring.
the real macdonald love child.
What a ridiculous blog.
The end.
I'm confused, what does all this have to do with Olivia Newton John?
If this is the best international Ad commentary outside the US, i'd hate to see the worst.
Did anyone actually see Ben at Folio tonight?
I hear Mischa is going to Whybins.
lynchy, please get rid of vile posts like 11:17.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Behind the dunnies after class.
What horrible little people.
Interesting how one angry person can have a long conversation with themselves..
Best words spoken on this entire blog.
And from someone with big enough balls to put their name to it.
Thanks Luke.
OK, Ben O'Brien is a loud mouth who loves himself, but is a nice guy. I think...
And as for Adam you won't hear a bad word about him in Melbourne - they all still love him down there. He's a geniune good guy.
All I can say is that it sucks that some guy felt the need to slam you guys, Ben and Adam. We've worked together, drunk beers together and had a great time doing ads togther over the years - and hopefully never taken ourselves too seriously. You're good guys and we're with you. GC and AD.
Well done Ben and Adam.. you guys deserve everything good that happens to you.
Congrats Ben and Rosey. No doubt you guys will do great things with Matt. All the best boys.
About time all that bitter shit was taken off this blog.
Couldn't agree more.
Thankfully it appears Lynchy has got to the bottom of all the bitterness that I'm sure stemmed from one or two insecure little people. What goes around, comes around and no doubt they'll get theirs...
Now, back to what this blog should have been about in the first place; Congrats Ben and Adam. Top blokes, smart creatives, good luck.
Hasn't anyone made the connection yet?
In 2004 Leo Burnett won a McDonald's project (from DDB) with work by Ben & Adam. And while it was a team effort, it was their work that did it.
In 2005 Leo Burnett won more of the McDonald's business (from DDB) with work by Ben & Adam.
So what do DDB do? Hire them.
Enough said. Well done boys.
mmm, bollocks... but good on them anyway.
Luke C is a tosser. Clearly he is the one who replied to his own comment (11:33am). Piss off.
The big rumour at the moment is that it is only a matter of time and McDonald's will be letting go of DDB completely. Maybe soon the new DDB senior management might also be following these guys to look for another gig!
Lynchy, get down to the Mercantile with your camera for the Luke v Anonymous undercard and print the shots in the next issue of CB.
Though I doubt that Anonymous will have the guts to turn up.
But if it was to eventuate, what a great new feature for the magazine - the first hopefully of a monthly one-on-one between the parties defamed on this blog and their defamers.
I still pine for the good old days when the likes of Adrian Pritchard, John Doorly etc settled their differences with their fists in the dunnies at AWARD nights.
Ah, those were the days.
If Ben and Adam are watching (judging by 9.45pm you must be)...are your McDonald's ads actually on your reel? I'd be surprised if they were.
Their reel would be pretty bloody thin without them, wouldn't it?
Such immaturity is normally only witness in school playgrounds. Surely creative group heads shouldn't be offering to engage in the biff with his detractors. Surely such actions only go to reinforce the original defamatory comment?
What's the bet Misha and Dave end up at Whybins?
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