CB hears top Smart Melbourne creative team Jim Ingram (left) and Ben Couzens (right) are moving on from the agency after a two year stint to join George Patterson Y&R Melbourne, effective Monday. Before joining Smart, the pair were at FCB Melbourne for four years. They have done award-winning work for STA Travel, Stihl and Adidas.
Good on 'em. I wonder if they'll be given any briefs. Or will Ben and Josh get all the good ones.
Let the Ben and Josh defence begin....
Ain't a hope in hell,
Nothing's gonna bring us down,
The way we fly,
Five miles off the ground,
Because we shoot to kill,
And you know we always will,
It's a Bomber
Scream a thousand miles,
Feel the black death rising moan,
Firestorm coming closer,
Napalm to the bone,
Because, you know we do it right,
A mission every night,
It's a Bomber
No night fighter,
Gonna stop us getting through,
The sirens make you shiver,
You bet my aim is true,
Because, you know we aim to please,
Bring you to your knees,
It's a Bomber
the STA Work is full of horrid puns!
Fashion victims!!!
Yep, the ultimate ad tosser look is alive and well.
To bigger and better. Best of lucks, lads. Well deserved.
The STA strategy was 'Go on your own world tour'. It was actually pretty cool.
Fashion victims???!!!
Fuck off you dickhead 1.41pm.
I know for a fact that Jimmy hasn't bought any clothes since 2003.
yeah i rated that world tour stuff, the tv out the hotel window :)
Yeah. Nice one boys.
By the way Reardo where's my Band of Brothers?
Those guys have been doing good work for years. Not surprised they've moved onto one of the best agencies in Melbourne. I just hope the hierarchy there doesn't stop them from continuing their good run.
Yeah Reardo why didn't you return Band of Brothers?
Jim is gay. Oi, oi, oi.
Well done rock pigs! You'd better do a bit of beer research over the weekend.
Who is reardo?
nice move. these guys have been doing well, managing to keep their heads above water with some good stuff over the years. i hope you take this move and make the most of it. it's certainly the place to be in Melb. good move (on patts' behalf as well).
Listen up 1.41pm - Jim really is a fashion victim, you cruel bastard!
He had all his clothes, (yep, every single item) stolen from a laundrette in Richmond and understandably is very sensitve about his clothing.
You're the tosser, you tosser.
There goes the heart and soul of Smart. I think you might find that agency will be on the slide from now on.
2:49 that still doesn't give him the excuse to grab from the '90s rack at St. Vinnies.
Mammoth! Well done lads.
Kiss, kiss
How the fuck can Jim be a fashion victim? Unless wearing womens underpants is fashionable these days.
Ha ha sucked in Jim.
On a compleatly unrelated note I think they will kick arse. Rock out!
Well done Jim Ingrams & Ben Cowzens, sure you will kick arse.
They've been doing good work and deserve it.
Fellow Dragons,
Yes, but WHERE'S THEIR GOLD LION? Their SIlver Pencil? How many best of shows have they picked up in AWARD? Fucking useless hack wanna-be's! I have hundreds, LITERALLY HUNDREDS of local and international awards and no fucker will hire me! NO-ONE!
um, get fucked.
Jim is that you blogging on your own post?
When's poker?
I worked with these two a few years back at fcb. they were good blokes and i knew they'd do well. Prove me right. Well done.
Congrabulations. Have done great work for a few years at Smart.
Now that your earning the big bucks jimbo, you will afford to bring more beer to poker instead of drinking all of ours!
Two hot Bens in the one agency! Watch out ladies.
it's the goodies!
though, where's tim?
i know one Ben that will be very displeased that there is someone potentially hotter in the house.......
use are dorks that bum bash each other. im MC Hammer. I dont no how you got a job in the advertising. youse are both so gay. congratulations again in winning the mr homo competiitin. youse are so gay. butt iam happy for you. dont get up. Ill sit down. yeah, you nooo what I am talking about. I am extra fly. youre not. you stand in line at clubs. I get in for free. You diss me and Ill make your gay friend smyle. and you buy me drinks. and I dont ever buy you one back. I laugh hahahahahahahahahahhaha congratulations. 'Cant touch this!
Excuse me, but isn't this blog all about shit-canning everyone? These clowns can get fucked. Nice corrugated iron, fuck heads. And what the slut do you call that orange shit sitting on that cock-eye's right shoulder? "Norton"? Should read "I'm anal bead with an enlarged clit". Fucken fat cunts.
5:27 Lamer than the ten Lamest Lame horses walking to a the 'I'm Lame' convention. Sorry, down Lame street.
What the fuck have these guys actually done apart from hide in the closet and not get fired. I was there mentor at Award School and I wanted to bash them for delivering shit ideas. One of them slept with my grandma (I won't name names but take a look at the photo and you'll work it out). And the other one just jacked off in the corner. They are a good team though.
They flew down to Tasmania and slept with my granny too. She expired soon after.
am i wrong or does it look like they're holding hands in this photo.
if they haven't come out yet, I give them 3 months in a room with James McGrath and they'll be wearing their nipple-tassles to work.
it looks like the photographer just dropped an evil fart and they're both half-cringing.....THAT"S LIFE FUCKERS.
They retouched the photo to look more creative.
You are all bitches.
Fashion victims! 0101!
Hey lamo,
stop trying to rip off blackadder with that lame shit. I know it's you Jim
...and the award for the most exclamation marks used in a really short sentence goes to.... the fuckhead up stairs.
Congradulations on the new gig you admen.
Little Aaron
I don't think there holding hands in the shot at all, I'm pretty sure there holing each others cocks.
8:36, you're obviously up way past your bedtime.
It's 'they're', not there.
And what is 'holing'?
I shudder to think.
We'll excuse you this time since you're clearly still at primary school. But in future, please get mummy or daddy's permission to use the computer.
The one with the beard is gay.
Just checking in. Has Reardo returned Band of Brothers yet?
No he hasn't. Thanks for asking though.
Return it Reardo. Return it now.
I want to stroke Jim Ingram's beard. If Ben Cowzens had a beard, I'd stroke that too.
Ben C,
Just don't get mixed up with Ben C like that other time, you might accidentally get some good briefs put on your desk. I mean, you might just get some good briefs put on your desk regardless, but either way, you look good in briefs.
- Advertising Wanker.
Two hot Bens in the one agency! Watch out ladies.
4:19 PM
Stop fluffing yourself up Cuz.
And stop fluffing Jim while you're at it.
the ladies may have to watch out for the new ben: but don't worry bout the old ben: he's a bit limp these days....
If anyone has seen what those two cunts do to kittens in there spare time, youd think twice about talking shit about those two weirdos.
at least he's good in bed...
you will be making aren't rockstars or anything. ie, who gives a shit?
zzzzzzzzzzzzz. bores.
Twice as many B-J's at patts. That should put smiles all around.
Ben handles himself very nicely on guitar and Jim...well Jim has an honest crack at hitting the tubs. Both a lot closer to rock stars than most. jealousy is ugly.
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