Just weeks after ECD Rodd Chant left for an as yet undisclosed job in New York, Tom Ormes has resigned as Head of Copy at Publicis Singapore.
Says Ormes: "I have been with Publicis Singapore for just under a year, but feel that now is the right time to move on and find something that will challenge me creatively. I am in talks with some agencies both in Singapore and around the region, but have not made any final decisions yet."
Ormes started with McCann-Erickson, Sydney in 1995. He was transferred to McCann India in 1997 to handle Levi's for the South Asia. Transferred again to McCann Sri Lanka to handle Wall's (Streets) for that market (1999-2000). Then to Lowe Dubai to handle Unilever and Emirates Cargo (2000-2004). Followed by freelance back in Sydney and in Singapore (Ogilvy and Batey) before joining Publicis (2005) as Head of Copy.
Does anyone else notice the resemblance to Colin Farrell? And maybe a hint of Jude Law? Didn't think so....
There's still a job for you here.
Is that 4:50 comment from Tom?
Vot happen?
I think he's got quite a penchant for exotic girls, travelling around the world like some man of mystery. Come back to aussie mate, we're multicultural too! (but not in our tourism ads) so where the bladdy hell are ya?
The Colin/Jude link is well known and let's face it obvious. What is less know is that the "Tomcat" is at the centre of a celebrity lookey likey cabal. Members include a deadringer for the lead singer of Maroon 5 (honest), Frasier's wife Lileth and most surprsingly of all Wallace of Wallace and Gromit fame. Hullo. There is also a fringe member from outback Victoria who does a very credible turn as Craig "Hey Mona" McClaghlan. Check 12!
He's hot...
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