Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney lead the Australasian tally at the shortlist stage of The One Show, which was released this morning. Metal will be announced on the award night next month, but for now Saatchi has seven acceptances, followed by Publicis Mojo Sydney with four and Colenso BBDO Auckland with three. George Patterson Y&R Melbourne's Carlton 'Big Ad' got through and should get metal, as did BMF Sydney's 'Sam Kekovich' spot for Lamb which sources say should do likewise. Lowe Hunt's integrated work for Lynxjet also got through and is also tipped for metal.
Asia did spectacularly well, with Ogilvy Singapore and Saatchi Singapore leading the way with 14 acceptances each, an awesome performance.
Arnold Australia/ Sydney
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single ICBL Landmines Legs
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single International Campaign to ban Landmines Legs
BMF/ Pyrmont
09H: Under $50K Budget - Single Meat & Livestock Australia UnAustralian
George Patterson Y&R/ Melbourne
09A: Over :30 - Single - max. :90 Carlton Draught Big Ad
Grey Worldwide/ Melbourne
07I: Single Transport Accident Commission (TAC) Haunted
07H: Campaign Open Family Longest Night Appeal
Lowe Hunt/ Sydney
12A: Integrated Branding Campaign Unilever Australasia Lynxjet Launch
Publicis Mojo/ Sydney
06C: Posters - Single Creative Brands Pty Ltd Old Bill
06C: Posters - Single Creative Brands Pty Ltd Old Fax
06C: Posters - Single Creative Brands Pty Ltd Old Shopping List
07I: Single WaterAid Australia Black Water Springs
Publicis Mojo/ Melbourne
09G: Commercials of var. length - Campaign Nike Australia Reincarnate
Saatchi & Saatchi/ Sydney
06B: P.O.P. and In-Store - Campaign Lexus Australia Beyond the road
06B: P.O.P. and In-Store - Campaign Lion Nathan It's great getting old
06E: Self-Promotion (individuals, agencies, etc.) - Single only Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney Kangaroo/Sheep
07I: Single UNIFEM Lend a hand
08B: Campaign Toyota Motor Corporation of Australia Toyota parts and servicing
09H: Under $50K Budget - Single FOX SPORTS Massage
11I: Innovative Marketing - Single Procter & Gamble Boomgate
Clemenger BBDO/ Wellington
07I: Single Land Transport NZ High Rise
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single Land Transport NZ Car Elevator
Colenso BBDO/ Auckland
06D: Posters - Campaign Monaco Zombie
07D: Outdoor and Posters - Campaign New Zealand Book Council Pages
11F: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Campaign Mini BMW Mini Manhole
DDB New Zealand
11H: Innovative Use of Media - Interactive/New Media: Campaign nzgirl Worst Boyfriend
11J: Innovative Marketing - Campaign nzgirl Worst Boyfriend
Grey Worldwide/ Auckland
04B: Outdoor - Campaign Kiwicare Bugs
Whybin\TBWA/ Auckland
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single adidas Be the ball
Y&R / Generator New Zealand/ Auckland
04B: Outdoor - Campaign Nokia Video Call Backgrounds
Bates Singapore Pte Ltd
01B: Over 600 Lines - Campaign AC Delco Shock Absorbers Dog
Batey (Pte) Ltd/ Singapore
03A: Color: Less than a Page - Single Sphere John Adams
BBDO Bangkok Ltd.
05D: Color: Full Page or Spread - Campaign Three Bond VIV Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Sculpture/Vase/Earthen Jar
BBDO Guerrero Ortega/ Makati City
07I: Single UNICEF / Consuelo Foundation Inc. Bunso
BBDO Malaysia/ Kuala Lumpur
06C: Posters - Single Olympus (M) Sdn Bhd Finger
11G: Innovative Use of Media - Interactive/New Media: Single PepsiCo International Dry Ice
Cheil Communications Inc./ Seoul
01A: Over 600 Lines - Single Wonderbra Buttons
creativejuice/g1/ Bangkok
09D: :30/:25 - Campaign Bangkok Insurance Tyre / Twister / Robbery
DDB Singapore
11A: Innovative Use of Media - Print: Single J H Kim Taekwondo Institute Singapore Heeeaa!
11F: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Campaign NTT-Resonant Inc. goo?|"Fill the city with questions!" Project
Dentsu Young & Rubicam Pte Ltd/ Singapore
02C: Color: Full Page or Spread - Single Hachi Tei Restaurant Egg
06A: P.O.P. and In-Store - Single Hachi Tei Restaurant Egg
Euro RSCG India/ Mumbai
07A: Newspaper or Magazine - Single Cancer Patients Aid Association Monsters - Stalin
07B: Newspaper or Magazine - Campaign Cancer Patients Aid Association Monsters
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single Cancer Patients Aid Association Monsters - Hitler
fallon asia/ Singapore
02D: Color: Full Page or Spread - Campaign Volkswagen Asia Roadwork, Traffic Cop, Traffic Jam
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single United Airlines Hong Kong America at your feet
JWT Malaysia/ Kuala Lumpur
06D: Posters - Campaign Kimberly-Clark Trading Sdn. Bhd. " Flag " / " Old Man "/ " Widow "
JWT/ Mumbai
01A: Over 600 Lines - Single Apollo Tyres Note
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single United Breweries India Ltd. Door Handle
JWT Philippines/ Makati City
07A: Newspaper or Magazine - Single Green Peace Trees
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single Green Peace Trees
JWT/ Singapore
07E: Collateral (Brochures and Direct Mail) - Single Think Centre Chopstick
JWT/ Shanghai
02D: Color: Full Page or Spread - Campaign Nike Hong Kong Ltd. Nike - Run Free: Road
Leo Burnett India/ Mumbai
01B: Over 600 Lines - Campaign Maneland Jungle Lodge Jungle Lodge
lowe shanghai
11G: Innovative Use of Media - Interactive/New Media: Single Total Fitness Club Tummy Tissue
McCann Erickson (M) Sdn Bhd/ Kuala Lumpur
06C: Posters - Single Sony (M) Sdn Bhd Maze
Mccann Erickson Advertising/ Mumbai
07E: Collateral (Brochures and Direct Mail) - Single Sanctuary Asia Tree
McCann Erickson Singapore
09H: Under $50K Budget - Single Golden Star Gifts & Stationery Prank Call
11A: Innovative Use of Media - Print: Single Groupe SEB Singapore Pte Ltd Egg
Naga DDB Malaysia/ Petaling Jaya
06C: Posters - Single Energizer Malaysia Sdn Bhd Fly Boy
06C: Posters - Single Nikon Malaysia Sdn Bhd Group Photo
Ogilvy & Mather/ Mumbai
06D: Posters - Campaign Visage Images 1000 pictures
07B: Newspaper or Magazine - Campaign
The Indian Association For Promotion Of Adoption & Child
Welfare (IAPA) IAPA - Adoption
07B: Newspaper or Magazine - Campaign Hindustan Times HT 'Plant More Trees'
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single Fundacion Vida SIlvestre Bag
Ogilvy & Mather (Singapore) Pte Ltd
02C: Color: Full Page or Spread - Single DHL Hour Glass
02C: Color: Full Page or Spread - Single The Economist Razor
02C: Color: Full Page or Spread - Single The Economist Spoon
02D: Color: Full Page or Spread - Campaign Nestle Milo - Football/Graduation/Frisbee
05C: Color: Full Page or Spread - Single DHL Map
06A: P.O.P. and In-Store - Single Duracell Bunnies
06A: P.O.P. and In-Store - Single Nestle Milo - Football
06A: P.O.P. and In-Store - Single Nestle Milo - Frisbee
06A: P.O.P. and In-Store - Single The Economist Razor
06B: P.O.P. and In-Store - Campaign Nestle Milo - Football/Graduation/Frisbee
06C: Posters - Single DHL Map
11A: Innovative Use of Media - Print: Single Jim Aitchison Wall
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single Nike The Wall
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single DHL Map
Ogilvy & Mather Advertising/ Kuala Lumpur
06A: P.O.P. and In-Store - Single Gillette (M) Sdn Bhd Escalator
06D: Posters - Campaign Metropolitan TV Sdn Bhd (8TV) Queer Eye
Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific, Regional/ Hong Kong
06B: P.O.P. and In-Store - Campaign Texwood Ltd Cuts
Ogilvy & Mather Limited/ New Delhi
06C: Posters - Single Discovery Channel World Map
06D: Posters - Campaign Shipra Estate Private Limited Widest Screen
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single Seagram India Limited Fill in the blanks
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single Seagram India Limited Fill in the blanks (Poster)
06C: Posters - Single The Economist Farsighted
Ogilvy & Mather Thailand/ Bangkok
06D: Posters - Campaign Koleman Koleman
06D: Posters - Campaign Ionique Fertilizer Ionique Fertilizer
07B: Newspaper or Magazine - Campaign WWF WWF
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single WWF Crocodile
07D: Outdoor and Posters - Campaign WWF WWF
Ogilvy & Mather, Guangzhou
11A: Innovative Use of Media - Print: Single Shenzhen Mobile Shenzhen Mobile ATM
11A: Innovative Use of Media - Print: Single Zhujiang Beer Taxi Window
ogilvy beijing
01A: Over 600 Lines - Single airbus shadow
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single wwf make a stand
07C: Outdoor and Posters - Single wwf polar bear
Saatchi & Saatchi/ Mumbai
03A: Color: Less than a Page - Single Procter & Gamble Eraser
06D: Posters - Campaign Procter & Gamble Corners
Saatchi & Saatchi/ Petaling Jaya
07B: Newspaper or Magazine - Campaign Amnesty International Malaysia "Bush" / "Than Shwe" / "Mugabe" / "Ayatollah"
09C: :30/:25 - Single UMW Toyota Motor "Jogger"
Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore
01A: Over 600 Lines - Single Hasbro Queen
01A: Over 600 Lines - Single Hasbro White House
02D: Color: Full Page or Spread - Campaign Hasbro Invasion
02D: Color: Full Page or Spread - Campaign Golite Names
02D: Color: Full Page or Spread - Campaign Hasbro Stacks
03A: Color: Less than a Page - Single Lego Singapore Pte Ltd Bulbs
06C: Posters - Single Hasbro White House
06D: Posters - Campaign Hasbro Invasion
06D: Posters - Campaign Golite Names
06D: Posters - Campaign Hasbro Stacks
06D: Posters - Campaign Hasbro Tough Trucks
06D: Posters - Campaign Soon Hin Sportsbikes Roads
07B: Newspaper or Magazine - Campaign Greenpeace Extinction
11E: Innovative Use of Media - Outdoor: Single Republic of Singapore Navy Diver Recruitment FAQs
Y&R/ Kuala Lumpur
06D: Posters - Campaign Yser Marketing "Tough Plastics"
Let the Saatchi bitching begin.....
It's been nearly 5 hours since this article was posted. Yet no comments.
Once again Saatchi silences it's critics.
Well done Nobby and Gang.
Fuck it. I'll start the bitch.
Westpac. Gone.
Tooheys. Shit.
Boomgate. Scam.
United nations. Charity scam.
Self promotion. What have they got to talk about?
Wasn't that crap Fox Sports massage ad entered into everything last year?
It's good to see that Furby's still deeply concerned about landmines.
...and gun control. the guy's a saint.
Wake up and smell the coffee 2:31pm, its a big bad world of scam out there. Obvously you dont have the know how to pull off a descent scam or you just dont have any worthwhile scam ads in your little nut sack.
Stop whinging and start scamming.
Now gives us more of your unoriginal Blah, blah, blah
4:07 I freely admit to scamming. Hell, it was all us juniors did when we didn't have access to big fee-paying clients.
Unfortunately it's the easiest way out for any agency incapable of producing real work for real clients.
And you know what? Nobody gives a fuck about the scam ads that won Cannes lions in my book, just the ads that although slightly less risque, actually did the fucking job I'm paid a truckload of money to do.
Want a lion? Hire a scammer.
Want to keep Westpac? Hire someone else.
Hear hear 4:19.
4:19, I presume you work at The Palace. In which case you'll know that Saatchi (and the other pitching agencies) refused to drop their pants/fees to keep/get the business. The good (or bad) news is that within two years Westpac will move on to even lower fees and deals. Meanwhile, they would have fucked what's left of your sorry excuse for an agency. My advice is to bale out now.
Granted. Nobody takes it up the arse quite like WPP.
But please delete the word 'Westpac' from 4:19 and replace with the word 'clients.'
I think the point still stands.
Are you saying that Toyota, Procter & Gamble, Lexus, Lion Nathan and Foxtel are not real clients? Mmmm.... pick on Furby's Landmines next time.
By the way, notice The Palace failed to get a finalist at a major international award show yet again. Dear oh dear...must be five years since the last one. What sort of creative agency does not win creative awards? 'The Palace Myth' is the biggest scam, if you ask me.
Want a lion? Hire a scammer.
Pull your head out of John Singletons arse buddy. Its the nature of the beast that you rub your tiny genitals in between's called advertising. This is what we do, like it or not, creative people occasionally do (proactive) scam ads, get over it, move on and go write a KFC ad little man.
Or if you're smart, do your KFC ad and then go do a fuckin better proactive ad and hopefully win an award for it.
So for gods sake build a bridge (or even better just pretend you thats a scam)
Jesus, what an uneducated post.
The very second someone mentions scam work the blog raises its ugly head and slams the poster for presumably working in Singletons on KFC.
'move on and write a KFC ad little man.'
What a wanker.
It takes no fucking talent to pick a client, get a mate to shoot it and run it in the trade press. Every fucker's done it, and having just returned from London, every fucking CD over there is sick of it, finding it - I quote 'very Australian.'
You see, we're now roped in with Mumbai and Singapore as being the scam centres of the World. They seriously don't think we can do the business. Just the scam.
So, little man, go off and do your 'proactive ad.'
Just don't expect a job with John Hegarty, W&K or any of the good European agencies who'll treat it with utter, utter distain.
7:18 is bringing you peoples the truth.
there are the olympics then there are special olympics - only one brings prestige and wealth north of the equator.
when i worked down south you guys didn't seem such a charitable lot but my heart lifts when i see the effort you all make to help those worse than you. a mac will be reserved for you in heaven to keep up the noble work.
Capt. America.
Dear 5:29,
What about Coco de Mer? A classic piece of British scammery. In every D&AD you'll find heaps of scams, just like any other award book.
And if the Poms "don't think we can do the business", how come Saatchi's Bob Isherwood and JWT's Craig Davis are worldwide CDs in charge of lots of Poms amongst their global flocks (as was Dave Droga at Publicis until late last year). Then there's Malcolm Poynton, ECD at O&M London and Dave Alberts, ECD at Grey London, so what the fuck are you talking about? And if 180 Amsterdam is one of your "good European agencies", the ECDs you have to get a job with are also Aussies: Andy Fackrell and Richard Bullock.
I'm not saying Australian = scammer. Read the post.
All the names you mention are out of the country. I'm talking about US. NOW.
And we have, recently, begun to gain a rather unsavoury reputation for work which is, let's say, rather less difficult than the average agency's workload.
And knowing Andy for many years, he'll be the first to admit that his early Singapore years were hardly scam-free. (Remember his ad being pulled from Award?) However, he is now Mr Adidas. Not Mr 'Australian Gun Control.'
Scam can be defined rather easier like this.
It's a mark of how much money an agency is prepared to fork out to be perceived as creative, rather than the much tougher job of brief, rejections, research, low budget, shoot.
Scam is like cocaine. Once you see how easy it is to get, and how good it makes you feel - it's a bugger to stop. After all, who wants to go back to those nasty old real briefs. They're such a fucking downer.
Scam work = billings spent on non fee paying work.
As such, the truest test of an agency's creative reputation is quite probably 'seen and noted' as it deals with work that creatives have actually ... seen.
With that in mind, Nobby's 'three in a row' would probably drop a few notches in favour of, yes, George Patterson Melbourne.
See them scamming? Not really. See them on telly? yep.
And Andy in 180 Amsterdam is always looking for guys like them....
Holy shit do you really expect me to read all your self-important opinionated crap for no reward?!
Fuck man learn to write concisely or go write a romance novel, dickehead.
9.08 is a cokehead, you can tell by the dribble.
I presume that learning to write precisely includes the correct spelling of the word 'dickhead.'
It's "amsterdam" english.
9:08 doesn't write too badly at all for a cokehead.
11.06 I take it that you're his dealer. reeeooow!
It's funny actually. Thanks to the old marching powder, there's a few people in advertising I've only ever spoken to in toilet cubicles.
And of course, I use the word 'spoken to' in its broadest possible term.
Maybe 'enthusiastically gabbled at' would be more appropriate.
Actually, coke is much better than doing scam ads. It's cheaper for a start.
But the result's the same, you're still full of shit.
Westpac. The most regonisable campaign any bank has done in Australia for many years. And from what i hear, one of the most effective.
Sounds like its Westpac who has the problems not Saatchis. Good luck to whoever won the account.
Cheer up girls it's just
a d v e r t i s i n g
Although I don't know enough about the situation to totally agree with 4:19. He makes a fucking good point.
Well, I was 1.11. So I decided to do a scientific test. I bought a gram of coke and a layout pad. I had a whacking great line, then wrote an ad for funeral company. The coke was more fun. Just in case it was a positional problem, I then had a line off the layout pad, and wrote an incredibly witty ad for gun control. My heart did swell, but the coke made it beat faster.
Then, in the interest of science, I polished off the rest of the coke and told everyone around me how good my scam ads were. They were impressed, but the coke was still better.
Result of experiment: snort more coke.
It lasts longer than the satisfaction of scams.
I find that a nice tab of acid gives you that 'early Mother London' style of advertising. Here's how it works.
1. Read brief thoroughly whilst ingesting said drug.
2. Start taping yourself. You will find the illegible scrawl on a layout pad way too difficult to decipher. Your panicky whispers and loud gutteral screams will be much easier to understand, although quite alarming once said drug has dissipated the next morning.
3. Start to link disparate ideas. Kittens, drums, trees, the point of global consciousness, Mao, string. Remember, nothing is too ridiculous.
4. Slam logo on top right hand corner of ad.
5. Call D&AD.
Asia Shortlist? If that's a short list, I'd hate to see what a long one looks like.
But I guess if you've ever been to Asia you'd have noticed the high standard of advertising in the streets. Not.
Big ads been ripped off already.
Bloody budweiser.
cats piss.
aussies! why bother
Yeah, why bother. We should all just shoot ourselves and get sent home in the wrong coffin.
If you're going to be in poor taste, please be funny.
why is it that ddb sydney has hasbro and does no award winning ads for them...because all ads have to go through hasbro america which hasn't seen any of these asian ads for hasbro....complete and utter scams.
Realize that most of the scam, especially from Asia, is going to be called out this year.
After all the winners are posted and metal is awarded, there will be a site (in the works now) posting all the ads found to be fakes. They will be posted next to the ads that won and were real.
It will be right in front of the industry and the scammers will be publicly asked to forfeit their awards.
How embarrassing. Can't wait. Too bad scammers had to press their luck.
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