Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Fernwood Women’s Health Clubs turning away new members? Not unless you are Peter Helliar trying desperately to sneak past the exclusive ‘women’s only’ doors of the all female fitness centres.
Fernwood’s latest advertising campaign, ‘Some Men’, via Flash Advertising, Melbourne features Helliar in a variety of cunning scenarios, attempting to disguise himself as a female. Despite his comical efforts, he still doesn’t make the grade but vows to keep persevering.
The campaign features a 60” and 30” TVC, three 30” retail TVCs and radio and outdoor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool ad. Nice idea about positive discrimination in health clubs. Now they should do one about a woman trying to get into Augusta National. I'd like that.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, the campaign was created by Flash Advertising in Melbourne - www.flashgroup.com.au

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Some people will do anything to get [insert product name here]".

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only the fart joke had blown out one of the candles.

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look-at-my- ad, never- mind- the -product, crap! Very blokey and viral but will it convince a woman to enrol?
I doubt it. The Fernwood promise is terrific. This is tacky and smelly. Ask any female, I think they'll see it as boys having a lend of themselves.

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Peter Hellier look like a fat Jason Donovan?

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:19 has a point. Women know that Fernwood is for women only, so there's no news there.

Creatively more entertaining than the daggy Lisa Curry-Kenny stuff that preceded it, but what does it offer over the old stuff?


Jeez, I should've been a Planner.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way you're killing the ad, you should be a client.

(It is shit, though.)

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well then it seems I'm right 5:58. I'm not a client. I'm a writer. Perhaps my mistake was being able to express myself in words of more than one syllable. Don't take this as a put-down, but when you get a little more experience you'll find you can easily strip away the shiny varnish on an ad and see the underlying message for what it is. Or isn't.

Love, 5:07.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my mum loves it, and says i should write 'an ad like that fernwood one.' Do we know that women didn't write the ad, anyway?

4:09 PM  

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