It seems every agency CEO and their ECD are off to Cannes this year, some of whom are already in Europe, a few of them probably in Germany following the World Cup trail! Many will arrive in Cannes on Sunday, just in time to find a bar screening the Brazil vs. Australia game (just follow the crowd wearing Green and Gold, both countries have the same coloured jerseys, except Brazil have blue shorts!). Jeez, on one level, CB hopes Brazil wins this one, or Cannes week will be hell if the 1000 plus Brazilian delegates start a riot.
But we must not forget another world cup, the world cup of advertising: There are high expectations for the Aussies at Cannes this year, with four Titanium contenders (Virgin Mobile "Jason Donovan" from The Glue Society, VB "Boony" from Patts Y&R, Tooheys "Stolen Glasses" from BMF and Lynxjet from Lowe Hunt), plus a Gold Lion (at least) for the Carlton "Big Ad", and, fingers crossed, the inaugural Promo Grand Prix to VB "Boony". Potentially there are lots of Lions: contenders include Saatchi & Saatchi (various), various Nike from Publicis Mojo, Lamb "Sam Kekovitch" from BMF, Big Pond "China" from BWM, Clean Up Australia from DDB, McDonalds "Inner Child" from Burnett, Carlton MID from Patts Y&R, and no doubt a few others. It could end up being the biggest Lion haul year ever for Australia.
New Zealand should have a few Lions out of this lot: Saatchi & Saatchi (WWF 'Leaves', RAV 4, Bose, Sol, Telecom NZ, Reef, NZ Foundation for the Blind, Wellington Zoo, Amstel, TV2 'Legally Blonde 2'), Clems Wellington has Land Transport 'High Rise', Colenso has Trumpet, Monaco 'Zombie', NZ Book Council and Mini 'Manholes'. DDB has NZ Girl 'Hoax' and Pineapple Lumps, Y&R Generator has Nokia 'Video Call Backgrounds' and Publicis Mojo has NZ Blood Service 'Sachet' and Mizuno 'Golf Courses'. Not forgetting a serious Titanium and Promo Grand Prix contender, the Adidas "Be The Ball" promotion from TBWA\Whybin, Auckland.
Go 'Boony' you little fat legend. One more big show & you've got the hat trick!!!
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