Wendy Lawn will join Y&R Auckland as a senior art director working along side creative director, Jeneal Rohrback and deputy creative director, Steve McCabe.
Lawn leaves DDB after seven years where she produced awarding winning work on Sky Television, Volkwagen and Freedom Air. She and her ex writer Hywel James (now cd at Grey Auckland) were responsible for DDB’s first significant awards in 2001 – a gold Award award and a silver D&AD for their Sky ’Mini Me’ billboard campaign. Wendy also picked up the emerging talent award the same year.
Rohrback says, “It’s great to have Wendy back. I hired her at DDB in 1999 and she was a fantastic talent then; she’s just got better and better. I look forward to Wendy putting that same creative spin on the work she’ll be doing here.”
Wendy will be working on all Y&R’s brand accounts and will also be responsible for helping mentor the newly hired junior teams.
“I’ve been with DDB for a while now and have had a really good time and good run there, but it’s time for a change. The opportunity to work with Jeneal, Steve and Jon Ramage, Y&R’s ceo, on some great accounts was just the catalyst I needed”, says Lawn.
Jesus, who's left at DDB? They must be shitting themselves.
What will you be doing if you don't have staff?
I'd have a crack!
Congratulations. Two comments before the obligatory sexist shit.
Wonder why there aren't more women in creative departments ...
..cause they can't hack it?
11:31 was refering to the sky campaign.
I'll assume your comments were serious and answer them accordingly.
Why aren't there more women in the creative department?
Because you take yourselves too seriously.
There's been this trend in ads over the last...oh...5 years or so...of taking the piss out of guys..."the dumb guy ad" if you will. I'd love to see the tables turned and see what the reaction would be. Imagine the outrage if there was a proliferation of "dumb girl ads" on tv. But as it stands the "dumb guy ad" is generally accepted by our culture and our industry. We take them as they are intended - a light-hearted joke.
LIghten up 4.33, roll with the punches a little. I'm not condoning sexism or any form of descrimination. I just think your response to 4.22's comment was unecessary. If he reckons Wendy Lawn is 'a bit of alright' then there you go. He's choice of words may be slightly infantial, but i hardly think he was intending to objectify the fabric of her soul.
I'd reckon 4.22 would be pretty happy to have a CV like Wendy, god knows i would.
Most of those 'dumb guy ads' you refer to are written by guys. And as for women not being able to hack it- so many of them who leave creative go on to be successful entrepreneurs (Bloom, Du Jour etc.) and sometimes I think they're the smart ones to get out.
My point exactly. Guy's taking the piss out of themselves and thus not taking themselves too seriously.
I'm not saying women can't hack it. I'm saying that an agency isn't an environment where you wanna take yourself too seriously, guy or girl.
or, in this case, hound.
the "himbo" ad is a levitous response to decades of real discrimination towards women, in ads, in life. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.
PS: use your spellcheck.
I normally start my levitous sentences with a levitous upper-case letter. But thank you so much for your directions to the spellcheck great guru of grammar.
Can I please ask that people stop correcting grammar and spelling mistakes as a form of rebuttal. It's lame.
girls are never in the creative department because it's a boys' club. especially in australia where male creatives have this undying urge to declare their masculinity because they used to be beaten up at school for being arty or slightly faggy. Now they offset their chosen path by chugging down beer and making racist or sexist comments.
10:02 AM writes 'descrimination and infantial'
man that is really bad form, if you're going to write a lecture at least know how to spell. Himbo.
5:03 PM It's only lame if you can't spell.
regardless, she's a mutt.
Quote: "Can I please ask that people stop correcting grammar and spelling mistakes as a form of rebuttal."
No you can't. At least, not without a question mark.
I wasn't really asking 5.37.
If I smell my own farts, does that make me gay? I mean, we all know where they come from.
Why do you assume he's a he????
been there done that!
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