AWARD are moving out of Two de Force this week, and thanks to the support of the AFA, will move into the latter's Sydney premises, at least for the short term. The AFA will provide additional admin support when required to the new AWARD management in the transition period, at least until August, when considerable funds starts flowing in from the Call For Entries (which go out this week). AWARD's Lucy McKee, assisted by Pauline Smyth, will be looking after Call For Entries as well as the AWARD Schools in Asia.
AWARD is now included on the CB Asia Creative Rankings which should ensure a huge increase of entries from Asia.
The AFA hand of friendship is hopefully indicative of the future direction AWARD will take, working together with the AFA on issues of common interest and concern. One such initiative, AWARD For Clients, is probably a good start for a joint AFA/AWARD effort in the future. The AFA/AWARD "50 Best Australian Ads of the last 50 Years" function in Sydney the other night also proves that working together can attract a huge crowd, a healthy mix of agency chiefs, CDs, creatives and suits all equally excited about great advertising.
The longer term goal of AWARD is to get its own premises to hopefully include a bookshop, a place to hold exhibitions and functions, a base for both local and visiting interstate and overseas members, as well as to house administration.
Talking of books, the 2005 AWARD Annual will finally be out, as of next week. Order your copy via the AWARD website:
In the last month, when the cynics were predicting the demise of the organisation and despite negative stories in certain trade press, the membership of AWARD has more than doubled to around 400 members, an indication that AWARD is alive and well and fully supported by the industry, on both sides of the Tasman as well as in Asia, where there are now three AWARD Schools established: Singapore, KL and Bangkok.
Why would Adnews slag AWARD don't they live off stories like that?
Congratulations Lynchy you got the story right. It seems Adnews on the other hand decided to twist the same press release on their site out of nastiness. AdNews owner Yaffa, which now half owns Two de Force, is miffed they lost the AWARD business. And they lost it because they were costing members opportunities through their high administration fees.
The Award Committee all agreed the change, so now it appears Yaffa is spreading crap.
I suggest we all stop press releases to Adnews and Australian Creative and freeze them out until they all behave themselves. This proved effective when another trade press mag tried to destroy jack Vaughan in the early 90s.
It only took three months (and a new editor) for them to start behaving again.
Don't know what you guys are talking about. But it's about time Award went solo. Good one Daryn.
I thought journos were supposed to ignore management. Shame on you AdNews.
Why would AdNews editor Dave Clutterbuck, an AWARD member, put up with this sort of behaviour from the journo who wrote that piece? C'mon Dave, get an apology to AWARD out there before you have the entire industry against your otherwise fine publication. And at the same time, why don't you prove your independence (and worthiness to be an AWARD member) and insist both AdNews and Australian Creative return to AWARD as sponsors.
What did Adnews say?
How can a journo be an award member? He should be excommunicated.
If we get more out of Award by cutting out the middleman I'm for it. Less press and more piss!
Won't B&T sponsor AWARD now that Adnews are out of it. What about you Lynchy?
What about you Lynchy?
What about you Lynchy?
you Lynchy?
Campaign Brief has been an AWARD sponsor since 1987. B&T and New Zealand's AdMedia are also sponsors. Together with CB Asia, AWARD still gets great coverage and can probably get by without AdNews and Australian Creative, but it would be nice if the entire trade press were on AWARD's side. As AWARD represents almost the entire creative community in Australia and New Zealand I can't imagine why they have chosen to snub a sizeable part of their readership. (In the case of Australian Creative, one would have thought almost their entire readership). As Sir Humphrey Appleby used to say, "a brave decision!"
For those us who don't read Ad News or their website, could someone paraphrase what the kerfuffle is?
Hmm. The since the introduction of the moderator Th eblog has become very mainstream. It's like it started out as dynamic independent, but has now been bought out by STW. It's boring!!!!
I heard WPP and Sorrell had taken an interst too.
I still think the Award logo looks like a cock.
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