Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Next week (April 3-5), marks the official start of D&AD Congress 06, as over 300 of the world's top creative practitioners arrive in London to choose the best work entered into the D&AD Global Awards 2006. D&AD Judges, who all responded to the job description: "Obsessed with Creativity," must decide who, if anyone, should be awarded a D&AD Yellow or Black Pencil for groundbreaking creative work.
"Judging Week is the start of D&AD Congress 06 - four weeks with something for everyone who is passionate about creativity," said D&AD Chief Executive Michael Hockney. "I especially look forward to the public debate over the judges' selections at the D&AD Global Awards Nominations Exhibition at Old Billingsgate in May (3-5 May)."
D&AD Global Awards 2006 key facts:
1. D&AD's most successful Call for Entries to date with more entries across more categories from more countries than ever before.
2. Over 24,000 pieces of work were entered.
3. 61 countries entered work. First time entries came from: Bahrain, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bulgaria, Morocco and Serbia.
4. Australian and New Zealand entries have increased significantly, up by 17% and 3%, respectively.
5. There has been a significant increase in entries to craft categories across all sectors.
6. Over 300 judges will attend Judging Week from 23 countries, including Australia and New Zealand. The ANZACS are represented by Warren Brown, creative partner of BMF Sydney (Film jury), Nobby, ECD of Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney (Print Jury), Jonathan Kneebone (TV & Cinema Graphics Jury), Mike O'Sullivan, ECD of Saatchi & Saatchi NZ (Writing for Advertising jury), Dylan Taylor, Direct CD at BMF Sydney (Direct jury), Tom Eslinger, CD of Saatchi Interactive NZ (Interactive jury), Ashley Ringrose from Soap Creative (Interactive jury) and Marshal Heard from Noise (Digital Craft jury).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah nah nah na! I going to win and you're not!

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Furby, is that you? Talk to me.

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

furby and skins own 20% of D&AD

11:00 PM  

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